The special spiced Moroccan cuisine

Hello readers, how are you doing?👋😄

As you read at the titol and as you know me, i'm a backpacker and I'm going to talk about the Moroccan cuisine and my first contact with this very spicy food, sooooo are you readyyy???

First of all I would like to explain four typical dishes that I had liked the most and then show you my experience and expectations

1.  Khobz, this is their typical bread, so if you like the bread you have to try this one, you will enjoy it so much!! 

This one is a round, flat and tight dough and it has a lot of flavour. They use it to eat without cutlery, you will found it a little bit unconfortable but when you get used you will enjoy it sooo mucch, it's so tasty!!!😋

2. Zaalouk, this one is a very typical roasted eggplant salad made with cumin, paprika and garlic and it's known as eggplant caviar. If they know it with this name you can imagin....

I have taste it and I can say that this is really good, if you like the eggplant you will enjoyed sooo much because of their spicy flavours.

3. Briouats, if we arrive to the sweet part we can talk about this one. This are little cakes made with filo pastry and you can stuffed whit anything you like (sweet or salty). And you can eat it as a appetizer or a dessert. 

Since my point of view i'd preffer stuffed with sweet ingredients as honey or coconut.

4. Mint tea. It's not possible to finish this without meentioning the mint tea! Is one of the most important drinks in the moroccan cuisine. Normally the tea is a very typical drink here in morroco because they drink it at every hour (morning, afyernoon or having lunch). This typical tea is served in little glasses and with a high disttance to aerate  . Personally Ireally recommend this tea because is so aromatic and easy to drink. I was drinking it all the timeee!!!!😝

Well readers I have to say goodbye because I have to continue with my travels and with my writing for you!!! See you in the next post  😚


  1. Great post. I'll try to follow your footsteps very soon and have the chance to taste all this delicious food, as you have. Thanks.

  2. Thankssss, I want to taste it. I love Moroccan food.


  4. I don't like Moroccan food but after of reading this I want to give it a second chance.

  5. I love couscous, I would eat it every day. It surprises me a lot and I miss it on your blog. But thanks for showing me other interesting options.

  6. Good post I am curious about the country and gastronomy btw the half of the post its white xd

  7. I went to Morocco thanks to you and it is just as you have explained, everything is very good.

  8. Good post, but i see the same in other website

  9. Love moroccan pastry, very sweet and super healthy


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